We couldn’t
find content
we loved.
So we’re
creating it.
We make videos that make you think.
Make you smile. And challenge what you
thought you knew about the world.
We make videos
that make you think.
Make you smile.
And challenge what you
thought you knew about
the world.
Watch more
He’s a Ukrainian entrepreneur
and creator based in London.
After a career in corporate consultancy
and advertising, Max started his own social
media channels - determined to create
better content for his younger sister
to watch online.
As the channels grew, so did KLYM&CO.
A media company that helps brands and
nonprofits tell meaningful stories online.
After a career in corporate consultancy
and advertising, Max started his own
social media channels - determined
to create better content for his younger
sister to watch online.
As the channels grew, so did KLYM&CO.
A media company that helps brands and
nonprofits tell meaningful stories online.
After a career in corporate
consultancy and advertising,
Max started his own social media
channels - determined to create
better content for his younger
sister to watch online.
As the channels grew, so did
KLYM&CO. A media company that
helps brands and nonprofits tell
meaningful stories online.
Previous projects include responses to the
COVID-19 crisis, the Russo-Ukraine war,
and campaigning for refugee support and
climate action.
Previous projects include responses to
the COVID-19 crisis, the Russo-Ukraine
war, and campaigning for refugee
support and climate action.
Previous projects include
responses to the COVID-19 crisis,
the Russo-Ukraine war, and
campaigning for refugee support
and climate action.

Who we’ve
worked with
Who we’ve
worked with
Spoke AT
want to work
with us?